UNIFY — Unit for Family, Diversity & EqualityAntidiscrimination | conflicts

Heidelberg University is a diverse place where people with different cultural backgrounds, values and ways of working conduct research, work and study together.

Respectful and fair behaviour is the basis of our daily interactions and our aim is to ensure a consistently positive working and educational environment for everyone at the university in their studies, teaching and work. However, conflicts and misconduct such as (multiple) discrimination (e.g. in the form of sexist, racist, anti-Semitic, ableist, trans- or queer-hostile actions or statements), sexual harassment, bullying or stalking can occur during collaboration. That is why we offer comprehensive information about these issues as well as professional solutions to deal with them appropriately. 

GUIDE - Consulting advice from 2025

From 2025 we will offer a digital consulting advisor with a search access for different target groups and various other issues so you can find the right contact(s) to talk to.

Whether you study medicine, train to be a teacher, something else or are employed at the university - with the digital consulting advisor you will find your way with your consulting request (conflict, discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, bullying, stalking) and your wish (private consultation or complaint) - all online!


GUIDE - Consulting advice from 2025